How Do I Get Access for My Teachers and Admins?

Note: Once you've filled out the spreadsheet form below, please share the file with us here.

As part of the implementation process with ReadyRosie, you were probably given a spreadsheet or Google Sheet in order to plug in your teachers and administrators for access to ReadyRosie Share. It likely looked something like this...

We have three levels of admin access for each of your staff members - they differ by their functionality (what they can do) and their access to data. Here are the three roles you can choose from for each of your team members:

  • Teacher - this is the person who will create classrooms, invite parents, and customize content
  • School Admin - this is usually someone in a principal role who will have access to all teacher and caregiver data at their school or campus
  • District Admin - this is for someone who needs data access for everything in your district or program

To walk you through these different levels of access and functionality, we put together this helpful video to help you out...

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